Monday, December 30, 2013

To sum it up...

As I look back on this year I am amazed at all that has happened and how fortunate we are. 
Adam and I have learned so much about ourselves as individuals, a couple and as parents.
It’s so cliché to say you didn’t know love until your child was born…but it’s true.  It’s a different kind of love.  I mean when else do you love something or someone instantly?  I mean before you ever even meet them.  I get it now what it means to love your child unconditionally.  Marley has been sick the past couple of days and Adam and I just can’t believe how much it hurts us to see her not feeling well.  At the same time the smile on her face when she does feel well or seeing her “wave” at her daddy from across the room makes everything better!
I cannot wait to see what this next year has to hold for us…

Friday, December 27, 2013

Marley's First Christmas...

Marley’s First Christmas
Christmas is always a fun, but hectic time of year for Adam and I.  We try really hard to see all of our families from Christmas Eve to Christmas Day…too bad that we live 2 hours from my parents and 3-4 from Adam’s family. 
Adam and I thought long and hard about what to get Marley for her first Christmas.  Being 7 months old there’s not a lot she needs or can do.  It was really important to us that she get something that was meaningful and that she could keep.  We finally decided on the Little People Nativity.  She loved it!  The angel on top of the manger lights up and plays “Away in a Manger” and she thinks it’s really funny!  We also got her the book Go Dog Go! and the matching dog to go with it, some blocks and her stocking was full of bath toys.  

Marley and I went down to my parents for Christmas Eve and unfortunately Adam had to work so he couldn’t come until late that night.  Marley LOVED opening presents!  She had no inhibitions about ripping the paper or pulling out the tissue in the bags.  She got an interactive play table from Aunt Lauren and Uncle Randall along with a few other things and a Kick and Play Piano from Grammy and Pops along with a Snoopy book and toy, money for her savings and more.  
Heather, Marley and Aunt Lauren

Sammy, Marley and Pops
Pops and Marley
Pops and Marley
Pops and Marley
Pops, Marley and Heather
Pops, Marley and Heather
My Granny's ring...a gift from my Aunt and Mom!
Christmas Eve night Marley and I went to my dad’s house and she got to play with ALL of her cousins and help bake sugar cookies.  We really loved getting to see all of the family!
On Christmas morning we got up super early and began the drive to East Texas. Marley did wonderful!  She slept about 30 minutes then she watched movies on the Ipad and played with her toys.  When we got there she played with Grammy Carol and Pawpaw and took a nap.  We went to Granddaddy and Grandmother Cain’s for Christmas lunch.  Adam’s cousin recently opened a crematorium and when we pulled up to his grandparents there was a hearse in the driveway!  I guess you have to always be prepared at a moment’s notice!
 It was really nice because there were a lot of people who still had never met Marley.  She was a little fussy as she was overwhelmed with all the people (about 40!) so Pawpaw took her outside to ride on the lighted reindeer in the front yard, let her suck on ice cubes from the sweet tea, lick on lemons and watch the bumblebees in the rose bushes. 
What 7 month old wouldn’t enjoy that!?
Pawpaw letting Marley suck on sweet tea ice.
Pawpaw and Marley - ice lips!
Pawpaw and Marley
Pawpaw and Marley riding reindeer!
Pawpaw and Marley

Heather, Marley and Adam
That night we drove to Adam’s mom’s house and celebrated Christmas AGAIN!  Marley got some really cute gifts; from a dog that interacts as you read books to a book about Grandma’s that has Adam’s mom recorded reading it!  She even got the cutest little owl toboggan from her cousin Emma.

Adam and I are both very thankful for our families and all they have done for us this year!  We hope that this is just the beginning of many Christmas memories with Marley!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

7 Months Old...

December 24, 2013
Not only is it Christmas Eve, but Marley is 7 months old!
She is getting more and more fun everyday!  She laughs, giggles and talks A LOT!  (I can’t imagine where she gets this from!)  Her little personality is really coming out.  She is quite the ham.  She hides behind things and then pops out winking at you…really?!  She loves to raise her eyebrows at you as well.  And on top of being a ham she is VERY determined!  If she wants something; she goes for it.  For example…she would rather you have to figure out how to change her diaper while she is on her belly…EVERY TIME!  If Sammy’s on the floor anywhere in her sight she will roll and army crawl until that tail is in her reach.  (Poor Sammy!)
She is also loving to eat!  So far she has had peas, pears, apples, sweet potatoes, peaches, green beans, oatmeal, bananas and avocados…and hasn’t found anything she didn’t love!
She even got her first tooth!
Adam and I can’t imagine life without her and are enjoying every minute!

Sunday, December 22, 2013


Adam and I were so excited to take Marley to see Santa.  We had this all timed out.  She took her morning nap and then we got her ready and got to the mall right before they opened in hopes that we wouldn’t have to wait in a long line.  Marley doesn’t like to wait…
We were really nervous she would cry so when it was our turn I walked up to Santa with Marley’s back to him and sat her down.  Thanks to Grammy Carol she had a really cute outfit!  Of course as soon as we sat her down she turned around and looked up…

We both looked at each other and thought…here she goes.  But fortunately she turned back to the camera and gave the biggest grin! 

Now what next year holds…we’ll see…