Thursday, February 28, 2013

Just what you DON'T want to hear...

What you DON’T want to hear from your obstetrician…
“Wow!  Who has the big head in your family?!”

We had another doctor’s appointment today and luckily we got to have another sonogram!  We’re 6 ½ months in, and it’s been so neat to “watch” her grow.  Believe it or not I am carrying a BIG baby!  She is measuring big and ahead of her due date!

Adam had been a little worried that they were going to tell us that they were wrong last time, and she wasn’t a girl.  But lucky for Adam, she’s still a SHE!  Good thing since this is what he did recently….

Sunday, February 3, 2013

A Little Progress...

Adam has been chomping at the bit to get the nursery ready, so this weekend we made a little progress.  Luckily our glider came in about 8 weeks sooner than expected so we Adam got that placed into the room.   

Then we framed two prints we wanted in her room.  One is a prayer that was in my room as a child and the other is lyrics to Bob Marley’s “3 Little Birds”.   

Finally, Adam painted her monogram that we ordered for above her bed, and it looks AMAZING!

Next weekend I’m sewing the curtains and then all we need is the bedding, which we special ordered and will be in in about a month!
It’s looking more like a nursery!