Thursday, April 24, 2014

Eleven Months...

April 24, 2014
11 months has gone by so fast!   
(I hope it doesn’t all go this fast!) 
She weighs about 18 ½ lbs. and is about 28 inches long.

Marley is ALL.OVER.THE.PLACE!  She’s walking holding on to things and climbing on everything.  When I say everything, I mean it!  She crawls over her chair and onto the ottoman, over furniture and on top of her toy table. 
She is eating some “real” food.  Her favorites are peas and carrots and turkey.  I’m pretty sure Sammy gets fed more than Marley, but not surprised! 
She says “dada” non stop and has said “mama” maybe 3 times…TOTAL!  UGH! 
She is constantly looking for Sammy around the house and I swear she says, “Ammy”. 
She still LOVES a bath and is starting to get upset when it’s over. 
She also loves to chase the vacuum around the house.  It’s quite ironic that when the vacuum comes out of the closet Marley starts clapping and squealing and Sammy runs and hides.  Let’s just hope she keeps up the love for the vacuum!
I cannot believe she will be 1 in one short month!
We love you Marley!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter 2014

Marley’s first Easter was a lot of fun!
We went to East Texas to be with Adam’s family.  Marley helped us hide eggs for her cousin Emma and then went to Easter service with Grammy Carol and Papa Kraig.  We were definitely a little nervous about church since there wasn’t a nursery to take her to.  She did great!  She “sang” the whole time!  It was pretty funny, but I don’t think her daddy thought so. 
She loved her Easter basket from Gran and Papa full of eggs, a toy and a bible. 
The Easter bunny also filled her basket with yogurt melts, Minnie eggs, a Minnie purse thanks to Grammy and Pops and Bible story books.

Marley and Emma
Marley and Mommy

Daddy and Marley
Marley and Ashley

Adam, Marley and Heather

We can’t wait until next year when she’s hunting eggs with the “big” kids!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April 9, 2013

April 9, 2013…1 year ago today, I went to what I thought would be a regular doctor’s visit and ended up in labor and delivery at 32 weeks.   
I was shocked and terrified. 

I learned several lessons that day…
1.  Every moment is precious.
2. Adam likes to make jokes in times of stress.
3.  My family is amazing.
4.  I work with 5 of the most amazing women who were by my side in 10 minutes flat.
5.  I have more strength than I ever thought I did.
6.  I can be still if forced to.
7.  A mom truly will sacrifice anything for her child; even before they are born.
8.  God always has a plan; it just may not coincide with yours.
9.  Don’t take anything for granted.
10. I would do anything for Marley Scout.

Fortunately we made it 8 more weeks before Marley really made her arrival. 
Patience is truly a virtue and I think I learned it the hard way, but all 46 days of bed rest were worth it when I look into those gorgeous blue eyes!