Monday, April 25, 2016

big girl room...

Well we finally made the leap to a big girl bed!  We had planned to make it to 3, and we probably could have considering she never once tried to get out, but it was getting more and more difficult for me to get her in and out.
I must admit that I had a blast decorating her new room.  We moved her to the front room since it is a lot bigger.  After about 10 paint samples on the wall (literally 10) we chose a color Koral is PERFECT!  Then I sewed curtains, a bedskirt, and a tent cover in the same fabrics as her baby bedding.  We already had a patchwork quilt that matched to put at the end of the bed.  We went with a simple off-white quilt on the bed and lots of fun pillows.  My favorites - the stuffed unicorn head and the collage wall.  Everything on the collage wall was chosen with much love and meaning.  The best part...the guardian angel picture that has been passed down in my family and hung in my childhood bedroom until now.
The transition went great!  She loves her new "big girl princess room"!  She stays in bed once we tuck her in and then she calls us when she gets up.  
Fingers crossed this continues!