Thursday, December 31, 2020

bring on 40...

 Bring on 40!  I turned 40 on December 29th and to be honest...I really don't care.  I feel like 30 was a much bigger deal to me.  When your birthday is 4 days from Christmas you celebrate when and where you can.  So this year I was busy celebrating Christmas with Adam on my actual birthday so my family celebrated ME today with a nice lunch surprise!

I mean at this point 40 HAS to be better than 2020 right?!

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

christmas 2020...

 2020 may have just plain stunk over all, but Christmas 2020 was just plain wonderful for the Cains! 

We got to spend time as a family, relax, go to Christmas Eve service and travel a bit.  Adam had to work Christmas so we asked Santa to come a little early which Marley was just fine with.  We got to travel and see all sides of the family and truly celebrate the reason for the season.

So we are choosing to end 2020 with positive, happy memories of more time to slow down and spend time as a family.

So proud of herself for disguising daddy's gift in a Kendra Scott box.

Christmas Eve Service

Christmas at Grammy and Pops

Christmas at Grammy Carol and Pawpaw's

Christmas at Gran and Pappa's