Sunday, August 25, 2019

first grade...

We're a week into 1st grade and Marley is loving it! This year Marley has two teachers: Ms. Freedman, her homeroom teacher, for math and Mrs. Cox for reading.  She loves them both and was super excited that she has one of her best friends, Inez, from kinder in class with her too.  I cannot wait to see all that she learns and does this year.  I know she has great things in her future!
Ready for Meet the Teacher!

Ms. Freedman

Mrs. Cox

We're ready for school with our bracelets to remind us during the day that we are always together in our hearts!

First day of 1st grade! We're ready!

I'm so lucky to work in a district where everyone is watching out for my little one and sending me pics throughout the day! Thank you Mrs. Bailey!

summer 2019...

So I know that I'm a little behind, but...well, life.  We had a fantastic summer!  We started off with a bang at Disneyland, but the rest wasn't too shabby either!  This was our first summer in our forever home and we enjoyed every minute of it!

We started our summer with a little mommy/daughter mani/pedi's!

Making ice cream with daddy!

We also enjoyed checking out books at the Hewitt Library!

We also went to a few Little League baseball games and enjoyed a few snowcones!

Marley painted a rock and added it to this memorial in Peplow Park.

She also finally learned how to ride a bike without training wheels!

Of course there were a few playdates with friends!

A few 4th of July sparklers!

And LOTS of arts and crafts!

We finally got to go to Dallas and visit friends and family and meet sweet Olivia!


Fish Fry fun at Aunt Donna's!

A little after swim lessons park time!

Marley even got to go to her first book signing!

Lots of snuggles were had!

We loved getting time with cousin Madrid too!

Poor Charlie even got in on the dress up!

We LOVED getting to decorate cookies at LolliPops!

Lion King with daddy!

Even getting to steal Ranger away from daycare to play!

We even got to help wash a new firetruck!

Even a little nightly frog catching happened!

And year 2 of Princess Dance Camp!

We LOVED getting to watch Grandpa's shop mural progress, too!

and of course there was shopping!

Lot's of ice cream!

Even a trip in Gran and Pappa's RV back to East Texas for the week!

Marley loved "earning" money from Grammy Carol and Pawpaw!

Charlie even got in on the fun with her first puppy blizzard!

We were ready for school to start, but not quite ready for summer to be over...we can't wait to see what adventures next summer brings!