Sunday, September 20, 2020


 Last Monday, September 14th Adam turned 40!  I cannot believe that we started dating and a week later he turned 22 and here we are.  He was at work on his actual birthday and came home late so Marley and I celebrated him with a cake and then last night we finally got to celebrate him with family, food and fun!  Thankfully my brother-in-law makes amazing brisket and was willing to do the cooking.  We had beautiful weather to spend time together and watch the kids play.  I cannot wait to celebrate in another 40!

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

first day 2020...

 Today was the end of the worlds longest Spring Break!  

After 179 days we are FINALLY back in school in person!  Marley started a new school, Robinson Elementary in 2nd grade and I started my 18th year of teaching.  Although this year looked very different, and we weren't allowed to walk Marley into her new school, it was a great day!  Marley is so excited to have so many of her friends in her class and loves her two new teachers, Mrs. Becknauld and Mrs. Gladden.

I could not be more thrilled to be back with my people as well! Boy have I missed these ladies!