Thursday, July 30, 2020

15th anniversary...

July 9, 2020 was our 15th wedding anniversary.  Unfortunately, due to Coronavirus we did not get to celebrate as we had planned.  But truly, we got to celebrate as we should, as a family with Marley.  We had hoped to go on a great European vacation, but instead we celebrated with dinner as a family of 3 right here in Waco.  A few weeks later we celebrated just the 2 of us as well with a nice dinner out.  (I even put on makeup for perhaps the first time in 3 months!)
Some days it feels like we've been married way longer than 15 years and others it feels like it was just yesterday!  We got out our wedding albums and went through them with Marley and it was so much fun!  Wow have we changed!  I cannot imagine the last 15 years without Adam by my side and I wouldn't change a thing.  We have grown, cried, laughed and matured into who we are today.  I cannot wait to see what the next 15 years brings!