Tuesday, November 3, 2020

halloween 2020...

 Although this year has been anything but normal, it was nice to have a somewhat "normal" Halloween.  

Marley entered into the bank's Pumpkin Contest with her candy apple pumpkin and ended up winning 2nd place!  She was so excited!

Halloween was actually on Saturday and the weather was beautiful!  On Friday Marley got to dress up for school so she decided to go has a robot and of course we couldn't leave Charlie out! 

On Saturday Marley got to finally wear her "real" costume!  She couldn't have been more excited about being a blow up unicorn.  We started the night with the Robinson Education Foundation Glow Run.  Then we had to visit Mrs. Lashombe and then made our way back to our neighborhood where we ran into friends and finished off the night!  The only way it could have been better is if Adam had been able to be home.