Friday, May 24, 2019

6 years old...

Today was a big day of celebration in our house.  Marley turned 6 years old and celebrated her last day of Kindergarten!
I cannot believe that she is 6!  Everyone told us that when she started school time would fly by and they were so right!  Please slow down!
We were blessed to have a wonderful kindergarten teacher that nurtured Marley's love for school and embraced her spunky spirit.  She was so excited to get to celebrate with her friends and school today and then next stop...Disneyland!



Saturday, May 18, 2019

mothers day...

This Mother's day was exactly as I would have loved...with both my loves. Adam got to be home so we spent the whole day together.  Marley had Muffins with Mom on Friday that I was so fortunate to get to sneak away to.  She made me the sweetest gifts (although I must say I'm pretty sure I've never called her "cupcake"...).
My one walk up and down every isle of Target...alone...with Starbucks was granted thanks to Adam!
They bought me some beautiful flowers and even took me to Ninfa's for dinner.  I am so blessed to be Marley's mom and feel like I'm the lucky one for sure!

field day x 2...

Yesterday was field day for Marley and I both, and I think it's fair to say we both had a blast!
At the Primary School Marley had a blast with inflatables, water slides, obstacle courses, sno cones and more!  Adam and I are so glad that Grammy was able to go with her as Adam was out of town.  The smile on this face is reason #997 why we love Robinson ISD!

Her bestie Joshua!

For my field day our class came up with the name "The Limas" to go with our lime green shirts.  We chanted our way all the way to Rocket Field.  I honestly think the walk from the Intermediate to the field was one of my favorite parts.  No one was complaining yet and they were truly all excited to be working as a group.  We had relays, soccer/frisbee and capture the flag (in which I may or may not have snuck into) and of course sno cones.
I am going to miss these sweet kiddos and I loved getting this day with them of fun!