Monday, May 24, 2021

eight years old...

 How is she eight?!  May 24, 2021 Marley officially turned 8 years old!  I could not be prouder of this girl.  She is my everything!  She's been doing things "her way" since before she was born.  She is sweet but spunky and talented beyond words.  Her creativity amazes me and I cannot wait to see what her future holds.  World watch out, because she's got plans for you!

Daddy is still out of town at training so the official party is on hold until he gets back, but we had dinner with Grammy, Pops, Aunt Lauren, Uncle Randall, Ranger and Brice on Sunday.  Then today we had dinner with Papa, Grandma, Uncle Robert, Aunt Alex, Madrid, Margie and Moxie!

Flowers daddy sent for her birthday!

Sunday, May 9, 2021

mother's day...

 I could not be prouder to be Marley Scout's momma.  She tests me daily and yet I wouldn't trade it for anything!  She's sweet but sassy, loving but stubborn and talented beyond belief.  I love her fiercely and I'm so glad that I have her to keep me on my toes!  

Being a mom is HARD!  Not a day goes by that I don't screw it up, but I can say without a doubt that I do everything, and make every decision, out of love.  I'll be the first to apologize and tell Marley when I've been wrong and messed up. I hope that she sees through my actions that I love every ounce of her and do everything I do for her.

Adam is on week 1 of 3 at training in Ohio so Marley and I are riding solo for Mother's Day.  She made sure I had the best day ever!  Before Adam left she made a scavenger hunt for me around the house to find a picture she had made, she made a card at school and today she planned our day.  After church she took me to Red Lobster (a tradition she started several years ago when Adam was gone).  She insisted on using her own money to pay for the dessert so she got her own ticket and brought her allowance to pay.  It was absolutely adorable.  My heart melted too when she wanted to tip the sweet waitress a little extra as well.  (This former server has taught her well!)

Marley, I am so thankful God chose me to be your momma!