Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Our gift...

I received one of the most precious gifts from Adam today.  When I got home from work he had a beautiful gift waiting for me.  It was a beautiful pearl necklace and a card with the most thoughtful message to me.   
Mommy and Marley's Necklace

Then he had also written a beautiful note to Marley.  In it he explained that he had given this necklace to her “mommy” when she was pregnant with her, but now it was hers to wear on her wedding day.  I cannot believe how lucky I am to have him not only has a best friend and husband, but a daddy for Marley!

I love you Adam!

Monday, January 14, 2013

A Special Delivery...

Today Marley received her very own package in the mail!  
Marley's First Box!

 As much as I wanted to open it I waited patiently on Adam to get home.  Adam’s Aunt Penny had sent the most adorable hooded towel and burp cloths with her name monogrammed on them! 

Marley's Towel!

 We are so very thankful for our families and all they are doing for Marley!  Thank You Penny!!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Marley Scout Cain

It’s a GIRL!  She is beautiful! 
 Marley Scout Cain
 I think Adam and I were both in a little shock when the doctor told us she was a girl.  We both had just assumed we would be having a boy.  
 It's a girl!
Everything was perfect!  We got to see all 4 chambers of her heart working perfectly, all the sections of her brain were developing perfectly!  The measured her little bones and she is measuring exactly 18 weeks; so right on target.
A foot!
A little chicken leg!
Boy, GIRL, are we in trouble!