On August 24, 2014 Marley was 15 months old. We went to the doctor today and here are her stats...
Height: 31 3/4in. (85th percentile)
Weight: 20lbs. 7 oz. (15th percentile)
Head: 18 3/4in. (90th percentile)
I have to say she makes me smile every single day! (I mean I might have cried too, but that's another story!) She is walking and running everywhere and talking up a storm! She can say mama, dada, Sassy, Sammy, no, doggie, thank you, uh oh, baby, ball, shoes and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few others. She can bark like a dog, moo like a cow, roar like a lion, and quack like a duck. She can point to her nose and eyes. She has NO fear! She doesn't need your help to do anything! She doesn't need a floatie at the pool or one of us to hold her...so she thinks. You cannot show her how to do anything. She's totally going to be saying, "I do it!", very soon I fear! You cannot remove her shoes or she gets really ticked and has to carry them around everywhere she goes.
(Watch out Adam...she may have gotten the shoe bug from mom!)
Her favorite toys right now are her books, her favorite food is probably still bananas, and we're still obsessed with Minnie!
I have to say that 90% of the things she has learned are completely attributed to the amazing ladies that keep her everyday while we work. We could not be more grateful to Miss Zina and Miss Rhonda!