Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas 2015...

This year we considered ourselves very lucky...Adam was home for Christmas!  He was on call, but we just got lucky!  We went to my parents in Waco and got to spend time with my dad and my mom.  Then on Christmas Day Adam's dad and step-mom came down with one of our niece's, Grace, to visit and see Marley.  It was really nice to get to see them as well!
Santa came to our house on the 23rd and Marley was so excited!  We left a chocolate cookie and milk for Santa and carrots and LOTS of ranch for the reindeer.  
She was scared to come into the living room when she woke up and we finally figured out that she thought Santa was still in there. 
She had asked for a bike and got a pink balance bike with a bell and streamers.  She was beaming!

Dollies from the Hills

Cookie and Milk for Santa and Carrots for the Reindeer

Minnie Panties!

Adam's "I Survived the Circle" mug from Marley

Chef's hat, mit and apron!

Play hair dryer kit

Minnie Robe!

Matching Jammies with Baby!
Stocking fun!
Sammy and her stocking

Christmas Pancakes
After we opened at our house we went to Waco and celebrated with my dad and the WHOLE family.  It is so nice when we all get together!
On Christmas Eve we went to Christmas Eve service at my childhood church and then got up the next morning and celebrated at my mom's house.  
Marley definitely became a pro at opening gifts! 
Christmas really becomes so much more fun watching it through a child's eyes!
Stick Pony from Grandmama
ENORMOUS Minnie from Grandmama

Minnie blanket from Aunt Alex, Uncle Robert and Madrid
A Magnolia Christmas Eve with Grammy!

Her 1st. donation to the Salvation Army Bell Ringers!

Sheriff Callie and her bike!

Grandpa Nix - 96 years young! 
Riding Pops' donkey!

Playing Uncle Billy's piano
Whitney, Marley, Heather, Donna, Ranger and Lauren

Post-Christmas Tutu Tantrum