For about a month and a half Marley refused to eat all...every night. But we have finally found the answer to all our eating issues....Tetchup! (aka ketchup)
Marley is obsessed with Tetchup! We have it on everything! Sometimes she dips all her food (including fruit and veggies) in her tetchup, other times she just finishes her food and then eats the tetchup but the spoonsful and other times she doesn't eat it at all but it must be on her plate for her to eat. Whatever...
Recently we discovered that any type of "sauce" is tetchup....ranch, syrup, spaghetti sauce, etc. I made blueberry pancakes one morning and she asked for tetchup. I had to draw the line! Normally we don't give her syrup, but to avoid an utter meltdown and put a dime size serving on her plate and she was completely satisfied with this new tetchup.
Today on the way to church Adam and I were whispering in the front seat about what I would make Marley for lunch (we have learned that if we don't have food ready and in hand then it's best she doesn't even here about it yet). Here's a sample of our conversation...
Me: "What should we fix Marley for lunch?"
Adam: "How about chicken strips?"
Me: "Ok, sounds good."
Marley: (shouting from the backseat) "And Tetchup!"
I have to say that Marley is at such a fun age! She makes us crack up every day (and want to cry at times). She is funny, outgoing and very opinionated!