Here I am, the night before the first day of kindergarten, and I'm a mess! I've realized there is this's called being a teacher-mom. It never dawned on me that every time a parent walks their child in to greet their teacher on the first day of school, that probably means they aren't walking their own child in...because they are there to greet yours...happily and with a smile. To be completely honest I'm heartbroken...although Adam will be there to walk her in (and take a bazillion pictures per my command), I won't ever get to do that.
To Marley, I'm all the other teacher's okay...we are busy being that happy, smiling teacher which is right were God intended us to be. Because those children need someone to be there and assure them that it's going to be okay, it's going to be a great day and that you love them just as their parents do and will protect them just the same.
I will look at Marley's teachers from now on in that way...they too, are perhaps making a sacrifice to be there to greet Marley and love on her as I would. They too are there because they have a passion for children just as I do.
I have also began to have more compassion for the parents dropping their kids off for kindergarten. I always see those "crazy moms" and think, "Geez we haven't lost one yet...they'll be fine! Really? You think I'm not capable of taking care of your child all day? I mean I have 22 all day and we all survive!" Well, let me apologize...because I am now that mom. Those thoughts/fears and love. As an educator I know this is ridiculous but I can't help it...what if she doesn't know where her class is on day 2 and is just roaming lost and crying, what if she drops her lunch tray and kids laugh, what if she gets on the wrong bus, what if no one plays with her at recess...
I get it. It's called love...
But I also get that every person in that school building loves my baby as if she was theirs and it's going to be okay.
We moved to Robinson for just that...a small, tight knit group of people that will educate and love my child, and for a community that will truly help me raise her.
To all the teacher-moms out's going to be okay...we've got each other. To all the moms and dads out there...remember that your child's teacher is making a huge sacrifice to be there
on that first day, because we want to...we love what we do...and wouldn't be anywhere else.
on that first day, because we want to...we love what we do...and wouldn't be anywhere else.