Sunday, January 26, 2020

1st daddy daughter dance...

Last night was Marley's first daddy daughter dance.  I'm not sure who was more excited, Marley or Adam!  Marley and I had gone to Dillards a few weeks ago and picked out a dress.  Of course the final decision came down to which one twirled the best!  She picked out a beautiful red velvet wrap dress.  The day of the dance we went and let Kristin fix her hair and it fit her personality 100%!  Adam surprised Marley with a pretty corsage to wear and Marley had chosen to wear her pearls that Adam bought her and I when we found out I was pregnant with a little girl. Adam wore the tie he wore in our wedding, so they were all around special! They looked absolutely adorable!  They went to dinner at Saltgrass with two other dads and their daughters, Adelynn and Halle.
From the pictures I was texted all night, I'd say the dance was a success!

Saturday, January 4, 2020


Rarely do I actually feel as if I'm actually winning at this whole mom gig.  I mean it's hard...real hard.  I'm not that super-awesome cool mom I had envisioned before becoming one, and I often go to bed thinking, well I tried.  And honestly, that's ok.  I know that the most important thing is that Marley knows she is loved, and she does, of that I am certain.  Prior to becoming a mom I envisioned us frolicking through fields of flowers and picnicing in meadows...ok not really, but you get my drift.  Most often we're laid up on the couch eating popcorn and debating if we did enough that warrants a bath.
Tonight though, it was perfection.  By perfection I mean the way I had envisioned I would "mom" and my heart is overflowing.
We had found some Christmas cake mix and frosting at Target on clearance for 49 cents and of course we couldn't pass that up.  
Target + Clearance = you NEED it.  
Anyway, Marley really wanted to help me make them before supper.  She insisted we both wear our aprons and she wanted to write down everything I did to make the cupcakes so "when she was a mom" she could make them too.  I mean heart burst!  (I'll break it to her later that you really can make a cake from scratch, but for now this super mom is busting out a box of Duncan Hines.)

I'm pretty sure I had a grin from ear to ear the whole, messy, process.  We may of had to dig eggshells out the the batter, have Charlie lick the batter off the floor that somehow made its way down there, and there may have been some double dipping of the beater into the bowl when licking them clean, but it was absolute perfection!

We ended our night staying up way to late for one little girl, eating cupcakes and watching a movie, but this mom wouldn't change it for the world.
Tomorrow I'll go back to being that "ok mom", but I know there will be more times of "perfection", and we will cherish those moments forever!