Sunday, April 4, 2021

easter 2021...

 It was so good for the soul to celebrate with my church family, in person, the resurrection of our Lord and Savior this year!  I didn't realize how much my soul needed to be with people, feel the energy of the morning and praise Him with my church.

Last weekend our neighborhood had an egg hunt for all the kiddos and it was so great to be amongst our friends and neighbors and "feel" the joy and energy of all the kids as they ran through the neighborhood. We are so blessed with wonderful neighbors!

Adam had to work over Easter, but Marley and I made the best of it.  We finally got to attend Good Friday service at church with our sweet friends and neighbors the McCalls.  Watch Marley and sweet Addie worship together is soothing to the soul!  I hope they continue to keep Him at the center of the life and friendship.

She was NOT happy about having to take her picture with the Easter Bunny, aka "nightmare maker" according to her, so I'm thinking this is a last for mommy.

family pics breckenridge, co...

 There are no words...