Monday, February 17, 2025

visitors from NYC...

 We had a wonderful visit this past weekend with Aunt Debbie and Tate from New York City!  It has been years since we have seen each other and it was good for the soul for all of us to see each other in person.  I hope this is just the beginning of lots of visits both ways!


 Marley has been looking forward to her annual Valentine's scavenger hunt for weeks!  I love that something so simple, and that doesn't even change year to year makes her so happy!  This year was a great year for the whole Cain family on Valentine's!  We are ALL loved immensely! 

waco weekender...

 Marley got to attend her first Waco Weekender this year with our church, Harris Creek!  This was a weekend where they focused on their walk with their faith and talked about NOT following your emotions, but following God's word.  I am so glad her bestie Ellie was able to go with her and I'm pretty sure they had a blast!

last daddy-daughter dance...

 My heart is broken that this year was Marley and Adam's last daddy-daughter dance, but I know that the memories and dates will just continue in a new way.

This year they got to go with Brice Kate and Randall.  They enjoyed dinner together at BJ's and then danced the night away! 

I cannot wait to see how they continue this tradition next year!