On Tuesday I went in for what I thought would be a routine
doctor’s appointment that ended up being much more than I bargained for.
All day I had been feeling a little “off” and just casually
mentioned it to my doctor. She didn’t
think that much of it but decided to check me just in case. I am currently 32 weeks and was dilated to
almost a 2!
I had of course come to the doctor by myself and Adam was
flying. When she said we were making a
trip to Labor and Delivery my heart sunk.
They wheeled me to the hospital and up to the Labor and
Delivery floor (a place I was hoping to not be visiting anytime soon!) The hooked me up to all kinds of contraptions
and monitors and tested my cervix. I was
having very regular contractions but was completely clueless and not feeling a
Luckily Adam was going to be landing soon and coming straight
to the hospital, but in the meantime 5 amazing smiling faces came to my
rescue! My team from school had immediately left school when I called to come sit with me!
Briget, Kara, Betsy, Sabrina and Denise…you were
my saviors!
Luckily the test came back negative, saying that it was 99% that I WOULDN’T be going into labor in the next 2 weeks. Of course this is great news, but we need her
to cook for at least 5 more weeks!
I ended up having to stay overnight and all the next day to be
monitored. Luckily I was not dilating
anymore, but after 3 shots to stop contractions…we were
still contracting! They decided to go
ahead and give me 2 steroid shots to help develop Marley’s lungs “just in case”
she comes early! We were seen by a
neonatal specialist whom did a sonogram and said Marley looks perfect and he
saw no reason that I’m going into early labor.
She measures in the 15th percentile now, so should be about a
6-6 ½ lb. baby if we make it to full
term. He wants to see me in a few weeks
(which I took as a positive if he thought we’d make it that far!) I’ve been put
on moderate bed rest at home until Monday when I go back to the doctor for a
I am scared and a complete emotional wreck! I of course will
do ANYTHING to ensure Marley stays “cooking” and safe as long as possible, but
I’m terrified of hospital bed rest! A
day and a half in that little hospital room, laying in bed about drove this
hyperactive mommy crazy! Adam has been amazing and is his usual positive self!
So I’m asking for your prayers! Please pray for Marley to continue to grow
and develop…in my
belly...for at least 5 more weeks!
Please pray for calm and peace to come over me so that I can be the best
place for her, and pray for Adam that he can handle me! I know that GOD has a plan and that Marley
truly is in His hands and that He will take care of her. I just have to hand this all to Him and
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