Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Marley Scout Cain is here...

She’s finally here!
Marley Scout arrived at 5:12pm on May 24, 2013.
She is absolutely perfect!
6lbs. 8oz. 19in.

I went into labor and we decided to go to the hospital at 2:30 on Thursday morning.  I was at 5cm when we got to the hospital.  Around 8:00am they broke my water.  I continued to have contractions but nothing was really happening.  Finally, I went from 5cm-10cm in about 30 minutes. 
I pushed for about 30 minutes and she was here!  She is perfectly beautiful!  Adam was amazing the whole time and I can’t believe how much more I love him.


Daddy and Marley
Daddy, Mommy and Marley
My sweet bow my nurse Emily made for me!
Uncle Randall
Aunt Lauren
Pops, Marley and Mommy
Grammy, Pops, Marley and Mommy
"Pop Belly" Bear, Mommy and Marley
Daddy, Mommy and Marley

You think you love someone, and then you go through something like this and realize that you love them a million times more!
We stayed in the hospital until Sunday around lunch and finally got to go home. 
Going Home!

While we were in the hospital Marley choked
 a few times and would stop breathing; unfortunately she did this again right after we got home.  Needless to say, this makes you not able to sleep at all at night for staring at her.
We went to the pediatrician this morning and she is doing well.  We are going to start some medicine for acid reflux and hopefully this will help with the choking.
We are thrilled to have her as part of our lives and cannot wait to see what the future has to hold for us.

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