November 24, 2014
Marley is 18 months old. She is quite the character and super funny! At the end of the day Adam and are truly exhausted, yet we have belly laughed at least once.
She is running, spinning, dancing and jumping off of everything! She is talking up a storm.
Here are a few of her favorite things to say...
Be Quiet!
I did it!
Daddy, where are you?
No, No, Marley!
1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 (not sure what's happened to 2?!)
A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,M,N,O (and a very loud) P!
Joy, Joy, Joy
Sit Ammy!
Eat! Eat!
Daddy...I wuv you!
Night, Night
Ho! Ho! Ho!
All done
Thank you
Bless you
Water please
Wanna build a noman?
Let it go!
It seems like everyday she comes home with something knew she has learned. We cannot thank Miss Rhonda and Miss Zina enough for all the love and knowledge they've shown Marley over the past year and a half.
She loves bubble baths, Sesame Street and Frozen. We've watched Frozen at least 12 times! She loves pushing her babies around in her stroller and shopping with her HEB shopping cart. A few weeks ago she spent the night with Grammy and Pops for the first time and had a blast!
We cannot wait to enjoy Christmas this year through her eyes! What a great 18 months it has been!
Left: Marley at 18 Months Right: Heather at 18 Months |