It has been a long time since I've blogged about our crazy little family so this post will be a random mix of "ketchup" posts. (Pun totally intended!)
School has started for me, Adam has changed jobs, we finally went on a "real" vacation for our 10th. Anniversary, Sammy turned 14, Adam turned 35, our nephew, Ranger, was born and so much more!
Our newest addition to the family is our adorable little Ranger. My sister gave birth to this BIG boy on August 25th...I really would have appreciated if it wasn't the 2nd. day of school, but whatever! We are so in love with him and Marley thinks he is such a "cutie"! My sister and brother-in-law make the best Aunt and Uncle ever, but now I get to see them as parents and I couldn't be prouder.
On September 11th. we always get to celebrate a little ray of sunshine in our lives as Sammy celebrates her birthday. She turned 14 this year and we know we are blessed to have every day we do with her.
Then 3 days later we celebrated Adam turning 35. Unfortunately, he was not home this year, but we celebrated when he got back. Marley so was excited to sing Happy Birthday to him and give him his cards.
While daddy was gone on his birthday Marley and I went to the Heritage Farmstead and got to see some farm animals and a real working farm. She loved it! Her favorite part was hanging clothes on the clothesline.
Chickens...she was a little apprehensive
While Adam was gone I also got a little time to myself thanks to one of the most amazing families ever...the Hill's!
Marley loves Jojo and Gigi! Thank you ladies!
Marley and Jojo |
Gigi, Marley and Jojo |
Being introduced to the wonderful world of Barbies! |
On September 24th. Adam and I finally got to go on a "real" vacation for the 1st. time in 5 years! We went to
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida for 4 days and had a blast. We spent everyday on the beach, at the pool, riding bikes and eating. It was so very relaxing. The weather was perfect and although we missed Marley terribly we know that this was much needed time together and we can't wait to take Marley to the beach soon.
Headed to Florida! |
Back at home...Marley with Papa and Gran at Babe's |
Babies with Gran! |
Hope Park with Gran and Papa |
How I tried to spend my days... |
Biking around Ft. Lauderdale |
? |
Woohoo! |
Last! |
Yummy Gelato! |
Mommy and Daddy are home! |
Back as our little family of 3! |
I know we have said before Marley likes ketchup, but this is a serious thing! We went to eat one night and she "had" to have ALL the ketchups on the table and use them all on each fry. I love this girl and her quirks!

But, to sum things up...what is it like in our house with a 2-year-old? One day daycare was closed so we had "daddy daycare" at our house while I was at work. We are at that stage now that Marley is potty trained and needs NO help in the are not even allowed in the bathroom with her, yet you are relegated to the hallway to "just watch". She stripped down naked (as apparently toddlers feel the need to do), used the restroom, got down to wipe (again while Adam is supervising from the hallway), wiped her back end and then immediately went up and blew her nose...with.the.same.toilet paper. I would have given ANYTHING to have been there to witness this! Adam said he completely panicked - "it happened so fast!" He said they had a "long conversation" about toilet paper, its uses and kleenex.
Although there are many days that this
2-year-old-going-on-16 makes me want to cry...she also cracks me up. I can't wait for the upcoming holidays season and all the memories to come!
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