Monday, September 10, 2018

friday night lights and a little ketchup...

It's been a while since I last posted, but, well...that's life.  Marley and I have both been LOVING our new schools!  Kindergarten sends my child home daily a sweaty, hot mess, but she seems to be loving every minute!  She gets to ride the "Staff Bus" from my school to hers most mornings and back to me in the afternoon and that might be her favorite part of school so far! ;)  She loves her bus driver Mr. Sanders.
She's made so many new friends and loves telling us all about the kids that get in trouble each day...of course she's never one of them...;) 

First Day for both of us!

Loving this girls!

As a mom I am loving the "community" feeling in a smaller school district.  The football players from the high school came to help with carpool and morning assembly at her school before the first football game and to her that was like a bunch of superstars showing up.
We even get to walk to the high school from the other schools for the Friday Pep Rally's!  
Our superintendent and admin are out at the Primary school to help unload cars in the morning and have been on our campuses daily and I love it!  They truly care about the staff and students.  
This past Friday was the first home football game and Marley couldn't wait to go!  She wore her cheerleader outfit to school and got to run out on the field ahead of the players at the game on Friday night as a "Rocket Launcher".  The minute we got to the game I was reminded of another reason we came back to small town Texas...Friday Night Lights!

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