Christmas is such a wonderful time of year! There are so many reasons to celebrate and so many fun memories to be made with family and friends. This year we were so lucky to not only have Adam home for Thanksgiving, but he was home for Christmas as well!
We enjoyed time with both of our families and got to enjoy Christmas morning in our own home for the first time in a few years!
This year Marley only asked Santa for one thing, an American Girl Grand Hotel. Now mind you these things aren't cheap! When she originally asked for that I told her that maybe she needed to give Santa options because that was very expensive. Her response, "Mommy that's why I'm asking Santa, so you don't have to pay for it." Well what do you say to that! I also said that Santa had a budget and to that she asked how did I know that...everyone has a budget kid, even Santa!
Needless to say, she got a Grand Hotel. I mean this thing even came with doll Q-Tips! Really?!
I'm pretty sure Adam and I have both decided that Christmas is more fun as a parent than it was as a child.
Lessons and Carols at Harris Creek |
Christmas at Aunt Donna's |
Cookie decorating at Grandma and Grandpa's |
Delivering cookies to neighbors |
Christmas at Grammy and Pop's |
Christmas Eve service at Harris Creek |
Putting out "Grinch Dust" |
Christmas story and carols at Grandaddy's |
Christmas with Gran and Papa |
Jefferson with Grammy Carol and Pawpaw |