Saturday, October 10, 2020

tooth 3, 4, 5 & 6...

 I swear my child is about to have no teeth!  She has lost 4 teeth in the last 3 weeks.  Of course she won't let you touch them so they literally hang by a thread until they just fall out.  

The 1st of the 4 teeth fell out in her sleep and we couldn't find it anywhere.  We decided to just write a letter to the tooth fairy explaining what happened.  Later that morning, as I was taking the sheets out of the dryer, I found the tooth in the dryer vent!  At least it was really clean!  

Tooth #2 came out at school, like literally just flew out of her mouth as she was talking.  Luckily her teacher texted me a picture around lunch time giving me a heads up that the tooth fairy would be visiting our house that night.  This was on Monday.  

Wednesday morning Marley and I were about to walk out the door and we realized another tooth was missing...#5.  We had no idea when it came out or where it was.  I looked back in the picture Mrs. Becknauld texted me Monday around noon and the missing tooth was in the picture so she lost it sometime between Monday at noon and Wednesday morning.  Geez this kid! 

Then this past Thursday I get another text from her teacher that the tooth fairy would once again be coming.  Tooth #6 got hung in her hair at recess (I have not idea how...I quit asking questions like that) and just flew's still somewhere on Robinson Elementary's playground.

At least she keeps things exciting!

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