Wednesday, December 23, 2020

december 22, 2020

 Well, in true 2020 fashion yesterday was a tad bit interesting.  Adam is out of town, and Marley and I were having a super laid-back, finish last minute errands kind of day.  Marley had complained in the middle of the night of her right side hurting, but honestly I kind of blew it off as nothing big.  As the day went on she began complaining of her stomach hurting and riding in the car was excruciatingly painful. She also wasn't really interested in eating or drinking anything.  I decided, being so close to the holidays, I wasn't going to take any chances and took her in to see the pediatrician.  The pediatrician immediately suspected appendicitis, except she was missing the vomiting and fever.  She decided to send us home, but with her personal cell phone number to call the minute anything got worse.  (We LOVE our pediatrician!) Later in the afternoon Marley began projectile vomiting out of no where.  I immediately took her temp which was 100.8.  I called the pediatrician and she said we really need to go to the ER.

We packed up and headed that way.  They entire ER staff was amazing and I can only imagine what they have been dealing with, yet you would never know.  They were patient, kind, caring and took all the time we needed to figure out what was going on.  They too suspected appendicitis.  They started an IV with fluids, took urine and blood samples and then did an ultrasound.  Unfortunately, the ultrasound wasn't conclusive so we had to begin the CAT scan process.  (Who knew that required drinking special liquid and waiting 2 hours?!) At this point we were both EXHAUSTED!

Marley truly was a trooper!  She slept, fortunately, while we waited for the CAT scan.  I got to go in and watch the CAT scan images as they were taken and it was truly a neat experience to see all those perfectly formed little organs - GOD IS GOOD!  

Fortunately, she did not have appendicitis, but she did have a bladder infection and lots of swollen lymph nodes in her abdomen.  After 2 bags of IV fluids, antibiotics via IV, and 6 hours we were finally able to leave and head home.  Needless to say were were both exhausted, but the prayers that I know were being prayed over us were definitely felt and I know God's hand was over her.  

So, broken arm last Christmas, ER visit this Christmas...Christmas 2021 is coming wrapped in bubble wrap!

1 comment:

  1. Hugs that she is doing better. Prayers for a speedy recovery and a very very quiet Christmas night.
