Friday, January 1, 2021

marleyisms 2020...

 Here's a recap of Marley's best quotes from 2020...

Today Show they had a story on the To Kill a Mockingbird play.
Me: “Marley your middle name came from one of the characters in that book. It’s my favorite book.”
Marley: “Oh, Bob Scout Marley?”

At the store Marley and I ran into a high school friend's mom whom I hadn't seen in at least 16 years. I introduced her to Marley and she asked if I had other children...
Me: "No Marley is enough."
Marley: "Yeah I asked for a 2-legged sister and I got a 4-legged sister because my mom's old."
Me: "Really?!"

Meet Shelly Turd, Marley’s new find.
According to Marley she’s named “Shelly because she has a shell and Turd short for turtle”.

Omg! While Marley and I were waiting in the car to go into her doctors appointment, 2 old people were walking in the parking lot and Marley said, “Well looks like someone escaped the nursing home!”

Me: “Marley you need to go feed the dog please.”
Marley: “Ugh! You’re the meanest mom ever!”

Marley: “Do you prefer this life or your earlier one?”
Me: “What do you mean?”
Marley: “Like when you were a kid and had only black and white clothes.”
Me: “First of all I’m not that old! Second, the clothes were in color. Just the pictures were black and white.”

Marley just said, "These shoes are my life! I have to have them!"
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Euneta Jones, Theresa Troy Bowers Latham and 58 others

Me: “Marley will you cuddle with me forever?”
Marley: “No.”
Me: “Why?!”
Marley: “Ok maybe, but it’s going to be rare.”

We were in the front yard and noticed this double rainbow.
Marley’s response: “Man I wish we were closer so we could get the pot of gold!”

Me: “What does Addie call her grandma?”
Marley: “Susu. She told me I could call her Susu, but I just called her “hey” bc I felt weird.”

Marley rubbing my head tonight:
“Mom I’m going to rub your head because you teach all day and your head has to hurt with all those math problems stuck in there.”

Adam and I were listening to the intro of The Sweater Song by Weazer and Marley said, “It sounds like somebody’s trying to solve a mystery on Scooby Doo!”

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