Sunday, September 8, 2024

6th grade...

 I'm really not quite sure how we got here, but somehow Marley is officially a middle schooler. She is loving 6th grade!  For some reason this has been a hard adjustment for me.  Maybe it's because I know she's growing up, she's becoming more independent, and after having her last year in school, I am not there to catch her if she falls.  I am thankful for having had our time together last year.  I know it is a true privilege not many get.  I loved getting to see that she really was the same person we hoped and prayed she would be outside of our home.  She lived out her faith, stayed true to herself and stood up for others.

This year she is in pre-athletics, choir and advanced math.  We are beyond proud of her!  We know she is going to ROCK 6th grade!

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