Thursday, March 29, 2018

headed back to the 254...

Well if you haven't heard already the Cain's are headed back to Waco! 
Our story started in Waco nearly 16 years ago when Adam and I met in college in Waco and now we've decided to head back.  Neither of us ever thought we'd move back "home"...until Marley came along.  It's amazing how having a child will change the course of how you "thought" your life would play out.  We both want her to grow up near family as we did.  We want her to live a little slower life and attend smaller schools...much smaller schools!
Adam's job is not just allows us to not have to live in Dallas anymore and he will commute back to Love Field every other week.  As for me, I will be teaching GT 5th grade math in Robinson ISD...a quarter of a mile from our new home!
We have purchased land and are going to be building our dream home!
If you know me...change is not my thing!  My emotions have been all over the place about this decision!  I just started my dream job this year at a wonderful school and we have made such amazing friends here in Dallas.  Pretty much our entire marriage has been here in Dallas.  We've been here 12 years, owned 2 houses and watched both of our careers grow.
With Marley starting kindergarten next year, we couldn't think of a better time to make this move.  
We will only be 2 hours away and we'll be back...often!

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