Wednesday, April 11, 2018

easter 2018...

This Easter was a lot of fun!  Even though Adam wasn't home we did get to see family and even participate in a few egg hunts.
Marley's first hunt was at school which she always loves!  It's so cute when I pick her up and she can't even wait the 1 minute drive home to start showing me what was in all her eggs.
On Friday Marley and I went to Waco.  We had a lot of fun decorating eggs with her cousin Ranger and then going to the Robinson egg hunt.  It cracks me up that she could really care less what was in the was truly all about the "hunt"!  She even got to get her face painted which lasted a hot 5 minutes...

On Sunday we attended church and then hunted eggs at Grammy and Pops house before heading back to Dallas to see Adam!



Their faces kill me!

He's ready!


We're excited that next Easter we won't have to travel as far to see family!

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